
FDA 1级召回超过200万个呼吸设备,推动对ISO 18562医疗设备测试的需求


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Principal Scientist for 生命科学 曼彻斯特, 尼克·莫理拥有超过15年的制药实验室经验,主要从事可萃取物和可浸出物.

在接受美国食品和药物管理局的多次观察后,超过200万个呼吸设备被列为1类召回医疗设备(MDR). The recall involves various types of mechanical ventilators, including bi-level airway pressure (BiPAP) and, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).


Class 1 recall corrective actions

根据2021年11月提交给工厂质量主管的FDA-483报告, the company has implemented a series of corrective actions. 这些行动包括在伟创力内部建立一个主题专家(sme)团队, focusing on FDA concerns relating to biocompatibility, cleaning and disinfection, 和毒理学. 该公司还将增加人员来评估风险并实施变更,以确保符合FDA法规.


The importance of testing to ISO 18562

This recall has further highlighted the importance of adequate ISO 18562 医疗设备 testing & biocompatibility information for new and existing regulatory submissions. ISO 18562是一个专注于医疗保健应用中呼吸气体通路生物相容性评估的标准. With relevance to 医疗设备s such as ventilators, anesthesia workstations, and breathing circuits. 它有助于确保呼吸气体或气体通路中使用的任何材料不会因不可避免地从塑料和橡胶等材料中迁移的化合物而对人体安全构成风险.


510(k) premarket notification program

在美国.S., the FDA is responsible for the regulation of 医疗设备s. 510(k)上市前通知程序是FDA进行的最常见的医疗器械上市前审查类型. In addition to information on device description, equivalent devices, 软件, and performance testing, 提交的510(k)必须包括与患者直接或间接接触的任何材料的生物相容性数据.


Avoid delays for time to market

不幸的是, 许多提交的监管文件缺乏足够的生物相容性信息, 哪些会导致额外的信息请求并减慢审查过程. To minimize delays and optimize time to market, 提前完成必要的检测和暴露评估至关重要.

ISO 18562医疗保健应用中呼吸气体通路生物相容性评价标准于2017年发布,通过解决三个关键的相关危害,作为测试呼吸部件生物相容性的参考. Particulate matter emissions (PM2.5 & PM10),气流中的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)和冷凝物中的可浸出物.


How can im体育APP help? 

im体育APP在针对ISO 18562标准测试呼吸气体途径方面具有悠久的专业知识历史, 拥有全球实验室网络和成熟的测试方法.

ISO 18562有四个主要组成部分,由im体育APP Materials 技术支持:

  • ISO 18562-1:风险管理过程中的评估和测试
  • ISO 18562-2: Tests for particulate matter emissions
  • ISO 18562-3: Tests for volatile organic compound emissions
  • ISO 18562-4: Tests for leachables in condensate


With more than two decades of expertise in material analysis for extractables and leachables, im体育APP 曼彻斯特 为客户提供广泛的分析和样品制备工具选择. Over the years, 该公司对各种产品和材料进行了多次测试, 为客户提供痕量分析鉴定和定量服务.

如果您对ISO 18562医疗设备测试有进一步的疑问,或者想与im体育APP的技术专家讨论潜在的要求, 请联系 im体育APP 曼彻斯特.

找到相关的 资源

Helping advance your CMC strategy

Watch our ISO 18562 网络研讨会

Watch our webinar for an in-depth overview of ISO 18562 testing, 重点研究呼吸气体通路装置的生物相容性评价. 尼克·莫理 深入研究了根据ISO 18562支持此评估所必需的分析方法.

Failure to comply can result in costly recalls, potential harm to patients, and damage to a company's reputation and revenue. 本次网络研讨会通过详细介绍ISO 18562强制要求的测试程序,并强调了不充分测试导致重大后果的现实例子,解决了这些问题.


可推断出的 & Leachables Studies

im体育APP拥有规模最大、经验最丰富的可提取和可浸出物(E&L) practices in the world.

Backed by regulatory expertise, extensive experience, and a vast extractables database, our comprehensive E&L解决方案确保整个医疗保健im体育平台app下载使用的材料的安全性.

We deliver tailored studies for pharmaceutical, 生物, 医疗设备, 风险降低, combination products and more, in accordance with regulatory expectations.


About the author

As principal Scientist for 生命科学 曼彻斯特, 尼克·莫理 有超过15年的药物实验室经验,主要从事可萃取物和可浸出物.

As a trusted authority within the Life Science industry, Nick provides clients with technical guidance for design studies, authors whitepapers, 出席会议,并与外部科学组织合作,以跟上最新的趋势.




Pharmaceutical 测试 可推断出的 and Leachables

可推断出的 and Leachables Studies



Medical Device 测试

As a comprehensive testing partner, 您将享受单一供应商来源的好处,以满足您的所有测试需求, 从机械测试和环境模拟到EMC和无线设备测试.

pharmaceutical testing

Pharmaceutical 测试

im体育APP的药物实验室提供专业的药物测试服务, including chemical, 物理, 微生物, and stability testing on a vast array of products, from raw materials to finished products.

IS0 18562-2

ISO 18562 测试: Biocompatibility Analysis

im体育APP为呼吸和通风设备提供ISO 18562生物相容性分析,以支持全球设备批准.

USP 665 测试

USP 665, 1665 and BPOG Services

Ensure compliance for single-use systems (SUS). Our testing services provide high-quality results, safeguarding patient safety, fulfilling your regulatory requirements, and expediting time to market.

Pharmaceutical raw materials testing

Excipient Raw Materials and Container 测试


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ICH Stability 测试 of Pharmaceuticals and Biologics

我们将帮助您制定符合ICH qa - f要求的全面稳定性计划, 安达, and NDA approvals of small and large molecule drugs. 


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