
FAQ: What is the IECEE CB Scheme?

By Engaged Expert Neil Sulem

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What is the IECEE CB Scheme? What does CB stand for? How does the CB Scheme process work? How does the CB Scheme relate to CE marking? 我们的专家通过回答一些最常见的问题来帮助您了解更多关于IECEE CB体系的信息. 


Who is the IEC?

IEC或国际电工委员会是一个制定和发布电气标准的标准组织, electronic, and related technologies. The organization aims to ‘ensure the safety, efficiency, reliability, and interoperability of electrical, electronic and information technologies, to enhance international trade, facilitate broad electricity access and enable a more sustainable world.’


来自世界各地的数千名专家聚集在一起,组成了数百个技术委员会, 和小组委员会就与其委员会相关的最先进的技术解决方案达成一致. The IEC manages this process, provides the independent platform, and publishes these as ‘voluntary, consensus-based international standards’.


The IEC itself does not undertake testing or certification activities, 但它确实管理几个合格评定方案,包括IECEE CB方案. 符合CB体系是基于产品满足体系内相关IEC或ISO标准的要求.


What is the IECEE CB Scheme? 

The IECEE CB Scheme 是否有相互接受有关电气和电子元件安全的测试报告和证书的国际体系, equipment, and products. 这个多边认证体系是基于IEC国际标准的,可以很容易地在国际市场上获得和接受.


该计划的一个关键目标是允许制造商进入国际市场,而无需耗时和昂贵, duplicate or additional testing in each country. 


What does the CB Scheme stand for? 

The acronym CB Scheme stands for “Certification Bodies’ Scheme”. 

How does the CB Scheme process work? 


If the product is in compliance with the standard, CB测试报告发给国家认证机构(NCB),该机构将出具CB测试证书,作为正式的CB体系文件. 

Both, CB测试报告和CB测试证书可以提交给其他参与的ncb,以获得世界上许多国家的国家认证标志.

How do I get a CB certificate? 

The process is straightforward and in simple terms, consists of the application by you, the testing by the CBTL, a review of the test report by the NCB, and finally, the issuing of the certificate.

Step 1: 通过提交申请表向im体育APP国家认证机构(NCB)提出申请.

Step 2: Element NCB将处理申请并指派一个CB测试实验室(CBTL)

Step 3:  你们将提交一份有代表性的产品样品和相关文件(如.g.、电路图、元器件清单及批准书、使用说明书等.) to the CBTL.

Step 4: 然后CBTL将根据相关标准对您的产品进行测试和评估, which is within the IECEE CB scheme, including any declared national differences where requested.

Step 5: The CBTL will issue the test report to the NCB

Step 6: The NCB will then review and validate the test report. 审核成功完成后,NCB将颁发CB测试证书并向您报告.

然后可以将证书和测试报告的副本发送给认可的ncb以获得本地认证, or national regulatory authorities, retailers, buyers, etc. 作为证明你们的产品设计符合相关标准的安全或其他要求的证据.

How long is a CB certificate valid? 

There is no expiration date on certificates, only an issue date. 证书停止使用的日期将取决于诸如国家监管机构或认证机构的接受标准等方面, 产品所测试的标准是否被修改或更新, 如果自测试以来对产品进行了重大修改, etc. As a guide, CB证书通常在3年后停止有效,并且可能需要在此期间因设计或组件更改而更新.

What is the difference between CB Certification and CE/UKCA marking? 

Although the CE & UKCA marking procedures are separate from the CB Scheme, IECEE CB certification often addresses the majority of CE and UKCA marking safety-related requirements. CB测试报告也可以作为技术文件的一部分,以支持CE和UKCA标志方案要求的符合性声明.

The Element advantage 

Element是一家领先的认证机构测试实验室(CBTL),拥有20多年的经验和最先进的实验室. Our IECEE CB Scheme testing and certification services help you get your electrical and electronic products approved quickly, 国际安全标准,以便在世界各地的地方或国家层面上得到批准.

要了解更多有关最新产品安全标准的信息,请阅读我们的指南 IEC 62368-1:2018,或者如果您需要额外的IECEE CB体系测试和认证, contact us with your specifications and requirements.  

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