


不幸的是,许多产品都失败了 电气安全测试和认证 第一次. This frustrating fact is something that is often easily avoidable had the product’s 电气安全要求 被考虑得更早更彻底. 

安全测试, 安全审批流程, and the applicable standard(s) should be considered during the product’s initial design and concept. If a design team is unaware of the requirements the product will have to meet in terms of regulatory compliance, 这个产品后来没有通过审批并不奇怪. 一个常见的产品路径是在选择标准之前设计产品, 给别人留下了一项不令人羡慕的任务,然后试图让产品适合它. 如果一个产品从一开始就按照特定的标准设计, 在产品的整个开发过程中,标准的副本一直保存在手上, it is far less likely that it will then have any issues when it comes to regulatory approval. 这种方法可以节省大量的时间和金钱, 帮助避免昂贵的重新设计和不必要的市场延迟. 



While avoiding failure depends on the specifics of the relevant standard and the product in question, 有几个关键点可以帮助你避免这种情况. 一个关键的目标应该始终是在第一次测试中取得成功, 批准, 认证阶段. These are im体育APP的 electrical safety team’s top tips to avoid some of the most common causes of products failing:



导致产品失败的EMC设计错误 电磁兼容测试 非常普遍. EMC测试通常需要大量的客户参与, 因此,最好在其他安全测试之前进行. 如果一个产品在EMC失败了, components will potentially need to be changed or adapted to address the failure which may affect safety compliance. EMC and safety pre-compliance evaluations and testing can cut the risk of this happening. Seeking advice early to prevent future issues will always be the safer and more cost-effective option. im体育APP的 咨询服务 work with a manufacturer’s product development and design teams to keep them informed of future requirements and ensure the product’s compliance pathway has been carefully considered.



A significant part of any safety compliance testing will be to check the creepage and clearance as required by the standard. Ensuring the printed circuit board (PCB) layout is right at the beginning can really save time and effort later. The standards will define the minimum required creepage and clearance distances allowed. 标准之间的距离可能会有所不同, so it is essential to understand which standard your product will be tested against and ensure a copy is available to reference during the product design phase. 


  • 电压长期均方根值
  • 污染程度
  • 材料组/CTI
  • Orientation and location of the creepage distance (in order that creepage distances are not adversely affected by the accumulation of pollution for which they were not designed)
  • 绝缘表面形状(仅对3级污染有效), 防止积水或污染)


  • 耐冲击电压
  • 暂时过电压 
  • 稳态峰值电压或循环峰值电压
  • 电场条件(非均匀/均匀)
  • Altitude (a multiplication factor is applied for equipment that operates at altitudes above 2000m)
  • 微环境污染程度

玻璃, 陶瓷, 或其他不跟踪的无机绝缘材料, requirements for creepage distances are likely to be the same as the associated clearance distances. 另外, 涂层, 盆栽, or molding for protection against pollution also reduces clearance and creepage distances.



The enclosure ensures the user doesn’t have direct contact with any of the product’s dangerous parts, 可能用于帮助控制内部产品火灾,如果它发生, 并防止湿气和灰尘进入或积聚在不需要的区域. The openings may therefore be checked for both accessibility and their ability to contain fire. 检查电气外壳的安全要求时, it’s vital to consider that non-metallic enclosure materials have a suitable flammability rating or glow-wire flammability index, 如果材料是塑料, 它是适合可燃性等级的厚度. 绝缘材料也很重要, 涂料, 多氯联苯应耐着火和火灾蔓延.



Choosing pre-approved safety-critical components ensures that while the component undergoes testing in the end product, 它不需要单独测试, 这需要额外的时间,并可能导致延误. 值得记住的是,定制的部件可能是设计问题的解决方案, 但它们随后会影响合规: A problem frequently seen at im体育APP is that the product has been modified or is not being used to the correct specification. im体育APP also often sees products that either have the CE Marking but not the necessary accredited test reports or do have the test reports but not to the right or most appropriate Standard. CE标志测试要求和认证 是否应该对产品进行彻底检查.



Incorrect or deficient technical documentation is a common cause for a product to fail safety testing.

Required safety-related documentation must include the technical specifications and the name and address of the manufacturer, 使用说明, 并清楚说明产品上使用的任何符号.



  • 如何使用该产品
  • 如何不使用该产品
  • 如何维护产品



产品s often fail safety standard requirements due to poor labeling and product markings. 必需的标记包括制造商的名称, 商标和型号以及相应的警告标志, 以及设备额定供电电压和频率等.



Finally, what is the environment that the product is going into, and how is it going to be used? 比如,它会不会潮湿,有暴露在湿气中的危险? 公众还是只有受过训练的个人会使用它? 这些都是问题, 产品是否经过资格预审测试, 已经被考虑过了,但如果不是呢, 它们会引发问题.

It is not unusual for the product’s export markets to still be under review at the testing stage. 然而, export requirements often result in a product being modified or requiring additional third-party testing, 如果执行了合规前程序,哪些是可以避免的.

The most cost-effective approach to product development will always be to qualify the prototype design early in the development cycle.



im体育APP is committed to helping customers increase their chances of success by preparing as thoroughly as possible. im体育APP的 pre-compliance advisory services provide strategic guidance from the outset to support manufacturers through the complex nature of qualification testing. 从最初的概念,然后贯穿整个开发周期, our advisory services provide expert support in making the critical decisions that will help to achieve first-time success when the product reaches the testing, 批准, 认证阶段.

If you would like further advice about electrical safety testing requirements and how to prepare your product for testing, 请 今天就im体育APP的电气产品安全测试专家.

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