White Paper

Plotting to Succeed Photogrammetry in the 汽车 Industry

摄影测量这门古老的科学随着数字技术的进步而悄然发展, now known as tritop photogrammetry. 如今,它是一种经济高效且日益流行的测量工具,可帮助汽车im体育平台app下载开发新组件并快速监控生产车间的质量, effectively and efficiently.

im体育APP最近投资了最先进的移动和多功能设备 Wednesbury帮助oem和一级供应商简化他们的质量控制流程. 


Meeting your product expectations as a car manufacturer

汽车制造商永恒的研发问题是,他们制造的产品是否符合他们的设计意图. The concern goes far beyond performance, 生命安全和法规遵从性微调产品的各个方面,以满足客户对美观和用户满意度不断提高的期望. 

这一验证过程是通过一系列材料测试来实现的, 组件, 程序集, systems and, 当然, the end product. Held back only by the need to remain commercially viable, 所有部件都经过了测试,以观察它们对最极端的条件和不太可能发生但仍有可能发生的情况的反应. 

High and low temperatures, corrosion from precipitation and sea salt, long exposure to sunlight, 反复打开和关闭:汽车在其生命周期中可能会面临一些相当折磨人的情况. If spoilers, instrument panels, 保险杠, glove compartments, doors and bonnets, for example, are defective or fail to last the course, 对于oem及其供应链来说,这可能是一个重大的商业问题.

进行测试是一回事,衡量结果对正在调查的组件的影响完全是另一回事. When the 组件 have complex geometries and fine tolerances, 关键的变化不能用肉眼发现,而且很难测量. Over the years, 当然, the old methods of dead reckoning, 尺子和游标卡尺已经被计量技术的进步所取代,这些进步给我们带来了各种更精确的替代品. 

Photogrammetry Publication Pic

What is tritop photogrammetry?

One of these, photogrammetry, 被oem和一级供应商证明越来越有用和通用. What’s more, the optical technology is quick and relatively affordable, 在自动驾驶汽车电机快速发展和原型设计的时代,这是一个越来越重要的考虑因素.

三顶摄影测量的基本概念实际上几乎和摄影术本身一样古老. 它可以通过对多个重叠照片中的参考点进行三角测量来精确绘制三维形状, and has been used in mapping landscape topologies for many decades. 

现在, 从照片中处理数据的基础科学和计算机算法已经消除了镜头失真的影响,以及测量范围的固有困难,从而可以极其精确地测量到0.005 of a millimeter. The system can spot gap size changes, deformations, 冲洗, 弯曲, 扭转, deflection and relative displacement, 特别适用于可延展性材料或不同材料连接的边界. 

例如,与Faro手臂不同,该套件重量轻,可以处理几乎任何尺寸的部件. 由配备闪光灯和固定焦距的高品质数码单反相机组成, coded and uncoded dots as reference points to apply to the sample, calibrated reference bars, and a laptop loaded with powerful software, it all packs up into a single eminently portable case. 

im体育APP公司的测试团队在汽车im体育平台app下载的气候和耐久性测试方面拥有丰富的经验. 他们最近获得了GOM Tritop摄影测量套件,以补充这些服务. This upgrade in capability gives clients a 成本-effective, efficient one-stop solution well-suited to their development needs. 除此之外,im体育APP还可以轻松地将设备带上路,为客户提供服务. 

[Photogrammetry] is quick and relatively affordable, 在自动驾驶汽车电机快速发展和原型设计的时代,这是一个越来越重要的考虑因素.

优化系统效益的关键不可避免地在于设置. 提取所需信息的唯一方法就是提前做好计划, and that is where it is useful to have im体育APP’s expertise on hand. 他们与客户密切协商,探索并满足他们的需求,以提供相关的结果. Photogrammetry is not always the answer. For very detailed, extensive analysis, scanning technology might be more appropriate, albeit that it can be more time-consuming, more expensive, and cannot cope with highly reflective surfaces. 然而, 在哪里你需要研究三维运动,你只需要好的——而不是优秀的——精度, 摄影测量是高质量和物有所值之间的最佳权衡. 

Once your needs have been properly agreed, and depending on the size of the sample to be tested, 在im体育APP公司手中,设备的设置和编程需要一个小时, another half hour to photograph, and a matter of minutes for the results to come back. 这个过程必须进行两次,一次在测试之前,一次在测试之后,以确定更改. 因为所有的设置都已经完成,所以第二次测量要快得多.

Used at OEMs’ or Tier One suppliers’ premises, the Tritop is useful in periodic or one-off quality control, 能够快速验证生产是否在目标公差范围内,或者及时生产的部件是否符合您的生产规范. 

The Tritop system produces easy-to-understand, 高度直观的三维CAD模型,可以随意询问, 允许在样品变化前后自动识别和测量. 报告包括用彩色编码箭头注释的图像,显示相对于原始位置的方向和量化的运动范围. The information allows customers to set tolerances, validate simulations, recalibrate production processes, verify specifications, or make improvements.

当然, like all equipment, it is only as good as the operator, and must be regularly recalibrated for continued accuracy. im体育APP的专家团队在使用GOM的设备方面接受了充分的培训,并且在进行国际测试方面非常熟练, national and OEM standards. If you’re after that extra peace of mind, their global reputation for quality assurance is second to none.

In the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing measurement, photogrammetry is in the ascendency, hitting the sweet spot between accuracy, 有用性, convenience, ease of handling, 速度和, importantly, 成本.

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