im体育APP provides comprehensive drug product impurity testing solutions to ICH guidelines for impurities in 药物的物质 和 药物产品, 包括ICH Q3A和Q3B, 以及FDA杂质指南, 独特销售主张 <1086> 和 独特销售主张 <476>. Identify 和 control impurities in pharmaceutical products 和 生物制剂 with our GMP impurity testing services.

The determination of unwanted compounds in pharmaceuticals is critical to addressing the safety, 质量, 原料药和成品的纯度. 杂质会影响药品和生物药品的安全性和有效性, resulting in the potential recall of marketed drugs or the extension of drug development timelines, as these unwanted chemicals remain with the drug formulation or active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). 杂质可以从各种来源引入, 原料药和/或赋形剂降解, 到制造过程, 包括工艺杂质, 工艺助剂和残留溶剂, 或从容器封闭接触和储存. 国际协调委员会(ICH) Q3AQ3E 指南概述了与药品有关的杂质的五个主要类别, 新原料药中有哪些杂质, 新药品中的杂质, 残留溶剂, im体育APP杂质, 可萃取物和可浸出物(E&L). im体育APP strives to provide absolute testing certainty by delivering pharmaceutical unknown identification 和 impurity testing of both organic 和 inorganic material, 支持方法开发和产品调查.

im体育APP’s comprehensive impurity analysis 和 characterization services include impurity identification 和 quantification, structure elucidation 和 quantitative determination of impurities 和 降解产物 in bulk materials 和 biopharmaceutical formulations. Our teams of 经验d scientists can isolate 和 characterize impurities in accordance with US 食物 和 Drug Administration (FDA) 和 ICH impurity guidelines, 包括 独特销售主张 <1086> 原料药和药品中的杂质 独特销售主张 <476> 原料药和药品中的有机杂质, 和 have decades of 经验 developing 和 validating methods for monitoring impurities in drugs 和 原材料. 我们融合了科学和监管专业知识, 以及一套完整的先进仪器, 能够准确、快速地鉴别未知杂质, 降解, 可推断出的, 和/或化学污染物. With extensive 经验 in developing 和 validating analytical methodology in a wide range of matrices, our consultative experts can tailor an impurity testing strategy to support the acceleration of your drug development program. 今天就和专家谈谈 探索im体育APP的药物未知鉴定和杂质检测服务.

独特销售主张 & ICH杂质分析服务

残留溶剂 -当溶剂用于制造原料药或赋形剂时, 或用于生产毒品物质, 没有被制造技术完全去除吗, 剩余的有机挥发性化学物质称为残余溶剂. 残留的溶剂会对患者的安全造成威胁, 取决于它们的毒性和浓度. im体育APP’s highly skilled scientists have years of 经验 testing for 残留溶剂 in pharmaceuticals to 我Q3C 残留溶剂指南以及 独特销售主张 <467> 残留溶剂专论.

im体育APP分析和im体育APP杂质 -从1月1日开始, 2018, FDA要求所有新的和现有的药物都要经过im体育APP杂质测试 独特销售主张 <232>/<233>,已在全球范围内协调一致 我Q3D 指导. The control of im体育APP杂质 in pharmaceuticals 和 biologic drugs is critical to ensuring safe 和 efficacious drugs are brought to market quickly. im体育APP’s consultative regulatory 和 scientific experts have deep 经验 和 expertise applying the risk-based approach for the evaluation 和 control of im体育APP杂质 detailed within 独特销售主张 <232>/<233> 和 我Q3D. 我们是领先组织的首选im体育APP杂质测试实验室, 鉴于我们在开发和验证客户方面的良好记录, specific im体育APP杂质 methods 和 protocols for challenging APIs 和 complex sample matrices with trace level detection, 包括溶解度差的.

微量金属杂质 im体育APP offers a comprehensive suite of trace metal impurities testing services, 包括 金属形态分析. 我们的专用, 知识渊博的科学家在探测方面有深厚的专业知识, 识别, 并定量各种样品中的痕量金属杂质, 包括药品, 生物制剂, 药物的物质, 药物产品, 医疗设备, 原材料, 成品, 和更多的. 除了测试监管指导和适用的独特销售主张通章和专著, our experts can develop 和 validate robust analytical methods for qualitative 和 quantitative limits testing of specific elements 和 metals.

处理生物制剂中的杂质和残留物 im体育APP offers custom analytical method development 和 validation for the identification 和 quantification of product impurities 和 process residuals in biologic 药物产品 per 我Q6B 规范. 我们的协商, dedicated scientists have considerable expertise in the characterization of product-related impurities 和 control of impurities in 生物制剂, 包括电池底物衍生的工艺杂质, 细胞培养产生的杂质, 以及下游衍生的杂质.

有机杂质鉴定和定量 原料药和制剂中的有机杂质可能在生产或储存过程中产生, 并且可以有多种来源, 包括起始材料, 中间体, 副产品, 试剂, 配体, 催化剂, 和 降解产物. im体育APP’s organic impurity identification services provide valuable data throughout drug development, from 识别 impurities formed during synthesis to assessing 降解产物 observed during stability.

结构说明 -未知峰值可能导致代价高昂的延迟, resulting in a need for rapid 和 effective investigational analyses to characterize unidentified peaks. 应力条件可以在我们的实验室中复制,以复制杂质峰, 和 im体育APP’s highly skilled scientists have a proven track record of accomplishing structural elucidation of unknown peaks in pharmaceuticals. 拥有各种先进的分析仪器和技术, 我们有资源, 经验, 以及成功调查和识别未知峰的专业知识.

可萃取物和可浸出物研究(E&L) – Potentially harmful organic 和 inorganic impurities can migrate into 成品 from container-closure systems, 生产组件, 工艺设备, 包装或输送设备, 改变产品的功效和/或安全性. im体育APP拥有规模最大、经验最丰富的可提取和可浸出物(E&L)世界上的实践. 我们im体育平台app下载领先,全面的E&L服务建立在深入了解监管指导的基础上, 材料科学, 先进的设备.

强制降解研究和降解产物 – Forced degradation studies provide valuable information regarding the stability of a drug substance. These stress studies of drug molecules are used to determine its intrinsic stability characteristics 和 enable the identification of degradation impurities 和 降解产物. 除了研究与 我Q1A 指导, im体育APP还提供自定义方法开发和验证, 定性和定量分析, 以及稳定性研究数据的跟踪和趋势分析.


在开发新产品时,污染物的识别不仅至关重要, 但它在验证成品的安全性方面也至关重要. 确保安全, 质量 和 efficacy of pharmaceuticals with im体育APP’s comprehensive impurity analysis 和 characterization solutions, which include wrap-around services such as reference st和ard characterization 和 management, 稳定的程序, 以及分析调查服务. 我们的协商 teams of scientists are well-versed in FDA 和 ICH regulatory 指导 和 have decades of practical 经验 in pharmaceutical impurity identification analysis.

To learn more about im体育APP’s flexible 和 customized solutions for biopharmaceutical 和 pharmaceutical impurity testing, 从表征到杂质来源的鉴定, 或者找我们的专家谈谈, im体育APP 今天.





im体育APP's 可推断出的 和 leachables studies offer tailored solutions that ensure patient safety 和 compliance with industry st和ards.



im体育APP’s trace metal laboratories provide expert im体育APP杂质 testing 和 analysis in compliance with 独特销售主张 和 我Q3D guidelines to ensure the safety of drugs 和 药物产品.



im体育APP provides a full suite of pharmaceutical method development 和 research services to bring your products to market at optimal speed.



im体育APP是世界公认的痕量金属分析的领导者, 根据美国药典规定,采用ICPOES和ICPMS对im体育APP杂质进行检测, EP (2.4.20),以及我Q3D指南.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.