About im体育APP闪电科技 in 皮茨菲尔德

位于匹茨菲尔德的im体育APP闪电科技是为航空航天客户成功开发和验证防雷保护的国际领导者, 风, 太阳能, 海上, Electric Power Generation and transmission, 石油和天然气, 还有很多其他im体育平台app下载.

Founded in 1977 as Lightning Technologies (“LTI”), 从那时起,匹茨菲尔德的im体育APP闪电科技一直是飞机和风力涡轮机保护雷电模拟和测试标准开发和更新的领导者. We developed the 飞机 lightning transient analysis (“LTA”) testing method now in wide use worldwide.



im体育APP Lightning 技术 - protecting aviation


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我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.


im体育APP闪电科技 in 皮茨菲尔德 Specialties

im体育APP闪电科技 卓越中心

im体育APP闪电科技 in 皮茨菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州拥有世界上最完整的雷电模拟实验室之一,在为航空航天工业和工业综合体的客户开发复杂的雷电保护系统方面处于国际领先地位, 高尔夫球场, 风力发电厂, 主题公园和其他高风险地点. Our operation includes both 14-foot and 25-foot tall generators.

Design protection for all kinds of 飞机 & 其他应用程序

We provide design services for all kinds of 飞机 Including fixed wing, helicopters and eVTOL as well as wind turbines, ships employing carbon fiber and any facility that can experience damage from lightning strikes. 我们在遵守适用的适航法规和美国联邦航空局发布的测试标准方面有着长期的经验, 负责, RTCA, and the IEC standards applicable to wind turbines. We also know how to design for compliance with the IEC and NFPA standards for ground-based facilities.

im体育APP闪电科技公司为主要飞机和航天飞行器以及发射设施(包括NASA航天飞机和KSC发射设施)提供了防雷设计和验证. 其他客户包括:GE, 美国联邦航空局, 汉胜, 美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心, 华特迪士尼世界的未来世界中心, 台风泻湖, 和动物王国公园.

Analysis and 测试 of 系统s and Sub系统 to Determine Optimum Protection

im体育APP闪电科技的工程师和技术人员是防雷领域公认的专家. The electrical characteristics of the different types of lightning flashes, and the resulting surges and fields from a strike, 是复杂的.

Engineers have found that to study the effects of lightning upon a structure or system, 最有效的方法是分离雷电波形和电场/磁场的组成部分,并通过单独的模拟来评估它们的影响. 我们的实验室拥有专门和独特的设备来模拟自然闪电的所有电气特性,以及它在电气和电子系统中引起的瞬变.

从航空电子设备到军事装备, 我们的雷电测试为制造商提供了所需的数据,以生产出即使在雷击引起的浪涌发生时也能保持运行的坚固组件和系统.

直接仿真与建模 & 闪电的间接影响

模拟 and 建模 of structures and 系统, to complement our testing capabilities. 我们使用COMSOL多物理场平台. This is useful when we are assisting with designs of protection for as-yet unbuilt structures or equipment. 我们的优势在于,我们每天都熟悉闪电电流在机体和其他结构中的表现, and so can validate our models (and know when modeling is not needed).

我们的有限元分析能力使我们能够为客户执行复杂的模拟,以准确地模拟闪电与各种飞机和航空电子元件的相互作用. By decomposing complex CAD-generated objects into meshable geometrical shapes, we are able to accurately portray the lightning environment on high fidelity renditions of real objects.


The flickering seen in a lightning strike to the ground actually is caused by a series of current strokes, the electrical characteristics of which are called multiple stroke. 另一方面, inter- and intracloud lightning has very different electrical characteristics, referred to as multiple stroke and multiple burst, 并要求执行关键或基本功能的航空航天电子系统对这两种闪电的影响进行测试. We have the most versatile facility for both multiple stroke and multiple burst testing.


We perform many types of static electricity tests. These procedures simulate the range of static effects: from those occurring on 飞机 that can exceed 100,000伏到
small, 但是有潜在危险的电压, produced by manufacturing and material handling operations.


我们的能力包括R&D for designs of new lightning protection methods and products for advanced air vehicles, 系统, 设备及材料. 我们已经与几家小企业合作,为美国政府小企业创新研究(SBIR)二期及以后的拨款寻求资金和支持. We look forward to working with you to achieve similar success.

Direct Effects Lightning 测试 at im体育APP闪电科技

闪电物理(直接影响)测试,以确定闪电对各种材料的影响, 结构和燃料系统可以在我们位于匹茨菲尔德的高压(HV)和大电流(HC)实验室进行, 麻萨诸塞州. These are conducted in accordance with the SAE ARP 6514和EUROCAE ED 105 standards and are applied for protection design and development as well as certification.

The direct effects of lightning include the physical damage due to the attachment of the very hot (20,000°C)和高电流(250,000+安培)闪电通道. 这些影响包括材料的燃烧和破碎,以及闪电电压直接传导到电气和电子电路中,导致设备烧毁.

Two basic types of generators are used for direct effects testing: High voltage, Marx-type impulse generators produce voltages and electric fields up to 2.4 million volts to simulate lightning leader attachment and surges induced on power transmission lines. The high current generators produce up to 250,000 amperes and include three units adapted to duplicate the lightning stroke, and intermediate and continuing current waveforms of a typical lightning strike.

以容纳非常大的测试样本, 直接影响测试是在闪电技术公司的室内高湾实验室进行的,该实验室的尺寸为80 x 100英尺.


执行关键功能的飞机和其他系统的电子系统和设备的闪电和瞬态(间接影响)试验. We conduct these tests at im体育APP闪电科技 in 皮茨菲尔德, 麻萨诸塞州 as well as at our customers’ facilities around the world, since it is sometimes more efficient for us to transport our test equipment, 哪个是为旅行配置的, than to transport customer 系统 to our laboratory. We conduct these tests at all of the standard waveforms and transient levels. 我们既可以将单个瞬态测试应用于设备,也可以将多冲程/多脉冲1波形集应用于系统或子系统. Whereas other testing companies also perform these tests, we bring knowledge of the physics of indirect effects mechanisms, 测试方法的起源, 以及防护设计方法. 我们提供测试计划服务,帮助我们的客户应用正确的测试,并经常避免不必要的测试, 或失败. 我们拥有多年的飞机和地面系统雷击经验. 

闪电的间接影响主要是由闪电向地面倾倒电荷时产生的地电压上升和与闪电有关的强电磁场引起的. 这些磁场和地面电压的上升所产生的能量足以造成距离实际撞击一公里或更远的部件损坏.

间接影响最常引起系统互连电缆,并可能损坏或扰乱电子元件. im体育APP闪电科技多年来一直处于间接影响测试方法开发的前沿. 这些方法在IEEE中有定义, ANSI, SAE, EUROCAE, US MIL-STDs and many industry and company standards and specifications.

间接影响测试实验室包括许多专门的设备,用于全现场和瞬态分析, from the level of individual circuits to completely operational interconnected 系统. Typical indirect effects tests include pin injection, 变压器注入, 电容式注射, ground-circuit injection and field immersion techniques.


我们准备了一系列深入的课程,以协助工程师和技术人员设计有效的设施防雷, 飞机, 和航空电子设备. We currently offer three in-person courses:


Training events are presented at our facility in 皮茨菲尔德, Mass and vary from three to five days. We also conduct training at our customers’ facilities worldwide.

Please contact our lab directly for more information: +1 413-499-2135







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